
Literary Essay

What is bravery? It means people who are not afraid danger and difficulty. In the world's history, many national heroes demonstrates bravery by themselves. For example, Washington, an American hero. Some heroes are not in wars. For instance, Alighieri Donte and Willian Shakespeare. They showed their bravery by different ways. In the stories "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "The Sniper", two main character are brave, but their bravery are different.The Republican sniper shows his bravery by fighting with enemies. His perseverance is really strong. Sir Gawain shows his bravery by keeping the promise and facing of the death. He is a man of his word. Both of them are heroes.

Sir Gawain is the bravest one in the story "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". Being true to his promise shows him brave.Protecting the king also tells readers that he is brave. Sir Gawain is one of members in the Round Table. People in that country said that all of them were brave, but when the Green Knight was coming and asked," 'Are you all cowards?' ", no one answered, Sir Gawain was only one who went to talk with the Green Knight and protect the king."A young knight named Sir Gawain stepped forward" and said," 'Hand me that axe, and I will strike your laughing head from your body!' " The ending of this event is Sir Gawain assents the Green Knight's requirement: cut the Green Knight's head and went to the Green Knight's castle in one year. Sir Gawain is young, but he has enough brave to step forward. He is a protagonist that is brave, because, although he doesn't want to die, he isn't afraid death. Keeping a promise is a good example that is easy to say but hard to do. Sir Gawain is true to his promise, and facing of death with brave and free mood. For instance, Sir Gawain went to find the Green Knight. He met a person named Lady Westall. Lady Westall wanted to help him and said, " 'You must escape right now...I will help you.' " But Sir Gawain said, " 'I don't want to die, I want to live, but I must keep promise.' " Everyone in the world wants to live, most of people don't want to face of death if they have way to run away. Sir Gawain has a chance to live, but he doesn't because of his promise. Bravery is not just doing something that you are afraid to do, it also is doing something which you know the ending is bad. Finally,my conclusion is Sir Gawain is the bravest one in the story "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". At least, he is braver than the other knights. He protects the king and is true to his promise. He acts the characteristic hero image. He is bravery's incarnation.

In the story "The Sniper", one character who is brave is the Republican sniper. He dares to go to kill the enemy can show he is brave, because it's a really dangerous mission. When he was found by enemies, he didn't run away, he used his bravery and wisdom to be successful. So, he is the bravest one. In that time, society that had two rival parties was confused. People were nervous, because people might be killed anytime, especially snipers. The Republican sniper dared to kill the Free Starter sniper demonstrates how much bravery that he had. He was a young man, “his face was the face of a student” most of people in this age are afraid of death, because they still have, because they still have much time to spend with their families and friends. However, the Republican sniper went to do it that might make him die. Death is scary for people. Being a sniper is a hard choice, it’s a dangerous, hard, and tiring job. The Republican sniper chose this job, and received this mission. No one would like a job that is easy to kill him, except the Republican sniper. He has a young life. It’s enough to demonstrate the Republican sniper is brave. Another example that can show the sniper is brave is he uses his bravery and wisdom to fight with enemies. His arm was injured, but he didn't give up and run away. If he wasn't brave, he has run away already. Some sentences in the story shows his pain is serious, “And his arm was paining him like a thousand angry knives… his arm shook with the recoil.” The sniper was injured by enemies. The arm is important for a sniper. Life is the most important for every. When people are injured, most of them will give up their missions to save life. The Republican sniper didn't give up, he continue to fight with enemies. What a brave sniper! In the story “The Sniper”, the Republican is like a hero. He has done something that people couldn't finish. In one word, he is the bravest one!

Bravery can be showed by many ways. The Republican sniper and Sir Gawain are two examples, but their intentions are same. Both of them show bravery’s meaning. Sir Gawain went to face of death for keeping his promise. The Republican sniper fought with enemies with his pain for finishing his mission. Al though they have different aims, they show the same spirit.

